Chicken or egg?

Chicken or egg?

I accepted a long time ago that in business there’s often no “right” order to do things in. When you first start, you ask yourself questions like: Should I build an audience even though I have nothing to sell yet? Or should I work on my offers even though I don’t have...
Good customer experience starts with empathy

Good customer experience starts with empathy

Earlier this year, I got a tattoo (my first one ever). It was very exciting.  The actual experience of getting the tattoo and caring for it as it healed was surprisingly easy. But the process leading up to getting the tattoo? Wasn’t so great. The booking process was a...
Commodified time and slow leisure

Commodified time and slow leisure

In 2022 my ability to concentrate on the written word disappeared. As a lifelong reader, reading has always been a core part of my life and of my identity. (Even before I could read, my pre-school teachers expressed concern to my parents about how much time I spent in...
3 common client onboarding mistakes

3 common client onboarding mistakes

As a small business systems specialist, I get to see the inside workings of lots of different businesses. Which means that I also get to see the things businesses are doing really well and the things they’re doing … not so well. And one of the things a lot of...